Monday, September 9, 2013

Inch and Miles: The Journey to Success

This is a FUN book.  This is the book that I currently have a grant listed with Donors Choose to try and get a clasroom set.  I will be teaching seven of these lessons this year to my students, K-6.  I am excited to begin!!!!! 

The lessons I will be teaching this year are:

Team Spirit

Each month will be the beginning of a new "Citizenship" month and the lesson will represent what our school is focusing on.  For that month, the teachers are looking for students with that characteristic and can be selected for a citizenship of the month award. 

I will post my lessons as I teach them throughout the year, so you may have that resource if you would like!  Right now, I am trying to find books that go along with the certain characteristic to use for my lessons.  If you have any great ideas that fit within those topcs, please post a comment!!!!

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