Monday, September 19, 2011

Homework: Organization and Responsibility

This was really fun! I taught this to all grades, 1-6 and they really had a blast with it.

First, discuss with the students the reasons why it is important to do homework.
Second, discuss with the students why it is important to TURN in homework.
Third, discuss with the students the difference between being organized/unorganized and responsible/irresponsible. Then lead the class into how homework can be affected with being organized/unorganized and responsible/irresponsible.


Prepare 2 backpacks. Find items that a student would normally have:
glue stick
math page
spelling page
science project (I used a plastic cup)

Organize one backpack and stuff and hid objects for the messy backpack.

I usually tried to find a student that was messy be the participant for the organized backpack and an organized person for the messy backpack OR I would just hold up the messy backpack and ask who wants to be the participant for the messy backpack? Who wants to be the participant for the organized backpack? This way, the kids know a little more of what to expect.

Have the teacher help. Explain to the class and the teacher that YOU (counselor) will be calling out "homework" assignments (objects) to hand into the teacher.

The teacher will then give you a grade; 0 pts. = not turned in, 5 pts. = messy, late and etc., 10 pts. = complete, on time, and neat. The student will have 30 seconds to turn in their assignment. I provided a grading sheet for the teachers with all the "homework" items in a chart format.

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