Friday, August 26, 2011

Hygiene Issue

I love my job, even when it comes to conquering issues such as BO!!!!  The first week of school a 6th teacher approached me wanting me to help her students with issues of BO.  So, this is what I did.

I first emailed my fellow counselors to find out if they had any books to read to the students.  My one friend/co-worker emailed me a power point that she had put together and it touched all the areas that needed to be addressed.  I love it. The presentation is based on the book No B.O.! by Marguerite Crump.

Anyway, I started out the lesson asking the students if they know what Hygiene meant.  After a few answers, I showed them the power point and explained each slide.  Then when it got to the BO slide and talks about deoderant, I gave each student a travel sized stick of deoderant and explained to them how to put it on while they actually put it on.  I had them just go through their sleeve and Vwalla!  No MORE BO! 

The class agreed to call the deoderant "Cheeseburger" and they would apply their "Cheeseburger" right after the bell rings at the beginning of school or after PE.

Special thanks to Andrea B. You are wonderful and great!

Special thanks to Andrea B.  You are wonderful and great!

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