Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Band-Aid Chicken

Can I just say, I LOVE THIS BOOK! I found it to be very accepted from Kindergarten up to 6th grade.

This book covers a lot of topics; accepting others, bullying, courage, bravery, standing up to others, peer pressure, and self-esteem. I am sure there are many other topics that you could pull out of this story as well.

I used this book with my students as sort of a review from the lessons I had taught over the year. Mainly, I used it to address bullying. Last year, I taught my students Bully Prevention In Positive Behavior Support (found here). With this program, students were supposed to use a "stop" signal with their hand as they are saying "stop." I started getting feedback from students about this program and that it wasn't working. Come to find out, students weren't taking it seriously and it was becoming a joke. Students would be using the hand signal inappropriately, which caused more problems.

After every page I read, I would stop and ask the class which lesson it related to. This was a great way to "test" them to see how much they remembered. I emphasized the parts where it related to the bully lesson I taught before. The Band-aid Chicken told them to "STOP" and the other chickens took her seriously and they STOPPED.

After discussing the story and pointing out a few things worth mentioning, I had the students draw the Band-aid Chicken and provided a band-aid for them to put it on their drawing (grades 1-3).

I was able to get this lesson idea from Debra Wosnik.

1 comment:

  1. I love this book too. My friend Becky Henton is the author of this wonderful book. She is an elementary school counselor. She also was the original illustrator but the book company redid the illustrations. Her
    illustrations were amazing too.
