Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Tattling vs. Reporting

This week, we are focusing on Tattling vs. Reporting.  This is the fun book I use with grades K-3.  

Just in case you are sick without a voice, need to change it up a bit, or don't have this book, you can click on this link: Don't Squeal Unless It's a Big Deal from YouTube.

I love, LOVE this book because it definitely covers what you need to when addressing this issue with the younger kiddos.

I start out the lesson by talking about the difference between tattling and reporting (getting someone vs. emergency/helping).  We talk about kid size problems vs. adult size problems.  Kid problems are something that can be resolved or at least try to be resolved before coming to an adult.  An adult size problem is when someone is hurt or is an emergency.

This story is fun to read to students because you can do all of the impersonations with all the tattle telling and make it fun.  I always like to replace the teachers names with the class's real teacher.

For an activity, I make a sign that says:


Grades K-4, I read out scenarios (below) aloud to the class and they move to one side or the other according to if it is a tattle or a report.  Here are the scenarios I found from the savvyschoolcounselor.

Grades 5 & 6, the kids played Cherades where they picked a scenario and had to act it out.  When a student had guessed what they were doing, their ticket to picking out the next scenario was to tell whether it was tattling or reporting.  For the older grades, tattling may not be much of an issue, so I focused more on the reporting issue having to do with peer pressure, finding a trusted adult, and what support is needed when reporting information.

For Kindergarten, after I have read the book, I have them draw a picture of what it looks like to tattle (Squeal) and what it looks like to report (Big Deal).

I hope this lesson is helpful to you while trying to teach our little munchkins the difference between tattling and reporting.

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