Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Girls Confidence Group

I have been working with a student who has been struggling with the way she looks and had me very concerned about her.  She was entering into the path of anorexia.  So I decided to include her and a couple of her friends in the confidence group centered around The Girl's Guide to Loving Yourself.  I was able to make 8 lessons out of the several topics that it includes.  Here are the topics:

1.  Get comfy
2.  Follow your dreams
3.  Confident vs. conceited
4.  Your worst enemy
5.  Praise yourself
6.  Emotional rollercoaster
7.  Health conscious
8.  Being the best you

With each of the lessons, I pulled out questions (will upload soon) that specificially has to do with the issues we are dealing with.  I give each girl a sheet and have them answer.  Then I instruct them to take that lesson home for the week, put it where they can remember and will see it each day.  Every time they get a new lesson, they are making a book about their thoughts, feelings, progress, and hopefully internalizing their own worth as an amazing individual.

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