Thursday, August 25, 2011

Have You Filled A Bucket Today?

It was very strange when I came back to school for the new year.  At the end of every year, I think back about my experiences, the kids, their struggles, issues, and problems.  I come up with a new theme so that I have time to think about it over the summer time and gather ideas.  Well, from meeting with individual students, I have found that a lot of them have a very low self-esteem.  I thought that the bucket theme would work splendid!  I came back to work and not only did my administration present their theme based on the book How Full Is Your Bucket (by Tom Rath and Mary Reckmeyer), but my guidance counseling director has also made it the counseling department theme!  Coincidence?  Maybe.  Needless to say, it all seems perfectly perfect that it all turned out this way!

So here is my bulletin board for the first half of this year!  The first half of the year I will attempt to increase students' self-esteem.  Then the second half of the year, I hope to teach the students how to increase others' self-esteem.

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